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Standardisation of transport frames for container

Project thesis:

Mechanical Engineering

Standardisation of transport frames for container transport of marine loaders

Project Management:
Klaus Sack

Customer/co-operation partner:
Emco Wheaton GmbH, Mr. Michael Brinkmann (F&E)

Supervising tutor:
Mr. Peter / Mr. Abe

Standardisation of transport frames for a safe transport of marine loaders components in ISO containers or trucks.

In Kirchhain Emco Wheaton GmbH is amongst others a manufacturer of marine loaders for loading and unloading of vessels in all sizes. The main user of these loaders is petrochemistry industry. Mainly mineral oil and low temperature products (down to -192°C) are transported within these loaders. Because of the size of the marine loaders it is necessary to disassemble them in small subassemblies for packing into containers or onto trucks for transportation. These subassemblies are supported with transport frames to avoid dumping and tilting during transport.

In the past, the transport frames were made of components of residual material and assembled individually without any static verification. As a result of this some of them were bended or collapsed during transport.

For the standardisation of the transport frames it was necessary first to search for valid rules and regulations as well as to analyse and to evaluate them. The next step was, to classify the different assemblies of the loader types into weight classes. With this information it was possible to find out the right material for the frames. After that a proper position for supporting the assemblies and a proper linking without damaging the coating had to be found.

Then a stress analysis of the frames was necessary. Therefore a static and finite element calculation with dimensioning of the single parts of the transport frames was carried out. After that step, 3D models and their 2D drawings as well as part lists and single part drawings were designed. Emco Wheaton GmbH was asking to get an additional data sheet which shows all transport frames and part numbers with their position at the marine loader.

In December 2011 the final presentation was made at the company, where all results were successfully presented.

A data sheet, with its 3D-constructions and 2D-drawings, about standardised transport frames was designed. With this guideline it is possible, to manufacture the transport frames in an early stadium. This is going to give Emco Wheaton GmbH a big advantage and saves costs.

Exposé in German